Thursday, April 29, 2010

Garrett's Presentation

   The ideas Garrett presented on Wednesday were of the type I want to instantly stick my fingers in my ears and start repeating Lalalalalalalalala as loud as I could. I didn't want to hear a single word he said, because once the idea entered my head I would never know if, left to my own devises, I would have discovered it myself. Shame on me for being such a procrastinator and not finishing the book yet.
    The way in which Prof. Sexson gives us hints in class then waits for us to clue in is a testament of his patience as a teacher and his knowledge that discovering the hidden treasures in a piece of literature is the sweet reward for reading a 800+ page novel. I am anxious to chew on the entire Brother's K. I just hope a few of Sexson's hints are still stashed in my head somewhere.
    I know my last two blogs are only loosely tied into class topics, but I thought I'd practice writing and why squander my thoughts by not posting them.

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