Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snip its

My memories tend to be snip its of much larger memories, which would create a extremely short blog. So I decided to make a list.

my sister in the front yard - of a house I didn't remember living at, until my mom told me there was a house before the coul de sac house.

me entering a house, without knocking, climbing up onto a bar stool at a kitchen counter. I look out the sliding glass door at a pool, eating sugary cereal.  The sugary cereal tipped me off, my mother would never allow that in her house. So I asked her about my memory. Apparently we had two brothers living next to us, at the house I didn't remember living at. Each morning I would let myself in their front door and eat breakfast with them. I was around 4 yrs old and tagged on to the two brothers.

The next few memories took place at the coul de sac house.

I was under our car port cutting an orange with a sharp knife. I was not allowed to use sharp knives. I ended up cutting my pointer finger on the hand I was hold ing the orange with, my right hand. I know it was my right hand because I bare the scar. I am right handed, meaning I was cutting with my left less agile hand. I ran into the house, my mother in the kitchen. She told me to go out side and not drip blood on her kitchen floor. So I stood there waiting, knowing I was in trouble. Our kitchen floor had linolium flooring.

I was getting blown across the cement driveway. My dad told me to grab the aluminum ladder on the camper and hold on tight. Rain whipping me in the face. My mom hold a baby, my brother.

A treehouse, hard dirt instead of grass below, alot of kid stuff. These kids spend alot of time in this tree house.back yard. Can see their dad pull in to the drive way. I and my brother are sneaked out in a hurry. I wondered about this memory. I knew it was the kids across from us at the coul de sac house. I asked my mother about it, she told me the dad was not nice to his kids. She referred to him as That Man. I later asked my sister, she gave me more of the gritty details. She said the dad didn't feed them and hit them. She had witnessed him confronting our mom, she threatened to call the official's. My sister remembers our mom feeding those kids on a daily basis. He wanted my mom to stop feeding them. I don't like this memory, but it snaps back into my thoughts often.

Sunday school coloring sheet depicting Jesus with sheep. Our family didn't attend church while I was growing up. We attended bible school while my mother researched different religions.

Plastic inflateable easter bunnies, 3 feet tall, Pink, Yellow, Green. One in the extra bedroom on top of all the storage boxes. One out back in the yard on a stepping stone. The last I can't remember where it was placed. I've asked my mother about this memory. She does not recall ever giving us inflateable bunnies for Easter. We were not even at the coul de sac house during Easter. The Could de sac house was a temporary house while our house was being built. I still insist it happened where as my mother can not recollect.

snip its

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