Friday, January 29, 2010

Speaking to your audience ...Arnold Friend Style

I need to note I wrote this blog after watching the movie clips in class from Smooth Talk. For me the actors were able to bring justice to the words that the written text could not.
Her age and presence at the local hangout, her "unsure of herself" behavior, signaled to Arnold Friend that "She was the one", a young girl who was at the edge of innocence. He knew he could push her over with Smooth Talk. Arnold Friend's talk goes from seductive to creepy, then gets friendly and self conscience. It's interesting to see that she wants to be seduced, but had not imagined it to be in this manner. Friendly then creepy. She knows he's crazy, but she sticks around to find out how crazy. Why is it so hard for her to call for help? Not until she met Arnold Friend did she realize how complicated coming of age, the loss of ones innocence could be. She's riddled with confusion. His creepiness and the graphic bits of insight into what will happen aren't enough for her to turn and run. Something about him is appealing. His erratic talk, quirky mannerisms and misplaced body language provided a scene that was wrapped in psychological manipulations, no physical force was needed. He forced her to confront and wrestle with herself, this awkward stage in her life. She was scared but willing to let her innocence go, not the innocence that is associated with sex, but the one that is attached to the heart. In Arnold Friend's world this is the only way to step out of your innocence... graphic, traumatic. Arnold Friend forces her to step out of her comfortable, soft world into his sharp, abrupt, emotional world. Arnold Friend took what he wanted, not her body, but her innocence. He was able to because he knew his audience.

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